
SOJOURN – [n. soh-jurn; v. soh-jurn, soh-jurn]

1. a temporary stay

verb (used without object)
2. to stay for a time in a place; live temporarily.

In relation to recorded history, my time on planet Earth is like a vapor, less than a blink.  I don’t pretend to think my life matters to many folks, so that’s not why I write. The activities of my days are of little consequence to most folks. But there is Someone who cares – One who created me, numbered my days, Who knows the number of hairs on my head, Who invites me to walk and talk with him continually. So one reason I write is to make a record of thoughts, ponderings, and beautiful things I see on my sojourn with that Special Someone.

A few other folks care too, and one day they may want to know more. So, I’ve decided to make another attempt at recording a few things for them to have later on, should they remain long after my sojourn is done.

My time here is temporary; I have a heavenly home waiting. So, as I wander around on this planet, here are recorded a few pebbles along the path, a few flowers facing the sun, and perhaps a few mud puddles too.

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